Wednesday, December 27, 2006


A webpage for NISER is up

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


NISER in Orissa would be ISER-type: HRD ministry

Decks cleared for IISER-type institute in Orissa
Shubhajit RoyPosted online: Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 0000 hrs Print Email

NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 13: Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh has given the go ahead for a new Indian institute of science education and research in Orissa.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had, in August this year, promised to the Orissa government that a new institute — of the level of IIT — will be opened in the state. Singh had made this promise to Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik in response to the increased economic activity in the state.

Sources in the HRD ministry said the request from the PM’s Office came in September this year, shortly after Singh had assured Patnaik.

“Consequently, the HRD ministry officials belonging to the technical education bureau were asked to examine the feasibility of this proposal,” a senior HRD official told The Indian Express. The ministry examined the possibility of setting up a new institute and held several rounds of discussions with the Orissa government officials.

After several rounds of consultations, the HRD ministry came to the conclusion that it was feasible to set up an institute of repute in the state. Sources said that the new institute is expected to be called National Institute of Science Education and Research as proposed by the Orissa government.

Like the first two IISERs at Kolkata and Pune, and the third one at Mohali (Punjab), the institute will offer science education and research programmes from the BSc (undergraduate) level and will go up to PhD level.

Setting up this institute, sources said, will cost about Rs 560 crore and the government wants the institute to begin functioning from the next academic year itself, said sources.

According to officials, it will be a national centre of excellence as it will have an approximate strength of 1,000 students in the integrated masters’ programme and an additional strength of nearly 1,000 students in the parallel streams of post-BSc and post-MSc programmes.

Ministry officials said in-principle approval for another two IISERs at Bhopal and Thiruvananthapuram has been received from the Planning Commission.

The process of setting up IISERS began after a strong recommendation from the Scientific Advisory Council to the PM, headed by Prof C N R Rao, was accepted by the government. The academic model of these institutions will be developed on the new model of university-laboratory relationship, sources said, where scientists of national laboratories will interact with faculty and students.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Budget and other comparisons between NISER and IISERs

As reported in the Rajya Sabha Q & A the NISER budget estimate for its establishment is 560 crores for 7 years, while the IISERs have a budget of 500 crores for their establishments. However the 500 crores for the IISERs is said to be over 5 years.

But then, the 2006-07 budget document (sbe56) mentions 6 crores total for both IISERs (Pune and Kolkata) as part of the 2005-06 revised plan and 50 crores total for both IISERs as part of the 2006-07 plan.

So at this point it seems like the IISERs and NISER will have approximately the same budget, and the difference of 560-500 = 60 crores is probably due to the NISER phase 1 being at Institute of Physics. I.e., that 60 crore will probably will be spent for additional infrastructure (buildings, labs) at the Inst. of Physics which will not carry over to the new 300 acre campus of the NISER.

The difference between the 7 years making time for NISER and 5 year for IISERs may be again because of the two phases of NISER (phase 1 at IOP and phase 2 at its own campus). Also, DAE may be more conservative and realistic in estimating how long it will take to make the NISER.

Budget aside, because there will be 5 IIISERs they will get more publicity and they will be more well known among the general populace. But if the IISERs and NISER use the same entrance exam the students would get to know both. Similarly, when recruiting faculty, it may not make that big of a difference.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


NISER: DAE seeks 300 acres for free near Capital City

NISER: DAE seeks 300 acres for free near Capital City
Sunday December 10 2006 09:30 IST

BHUBANESWAR: Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has requested the State Government to provide 300 acres of land free of cost near here for setting up of the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER).

In an official communique, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission and DAE Secretary Anil Kakodkar said the department proposed to start classes for the first batch of NISER in 2007.

The national institute, which will be set up in association with the Institute of Physics, an autonomous body under the administrative control of DAE, is scheduled to be completed in two phases.

In the first phase, it will function within the framework of Institute of Physics (IoP) management by augmenting the infrastructure and in the second phase, a new campus will be developed for the proposed institute. NISER will seek affiliation from Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), a deemed university, Kakodkar said.

A joint secretary from DAE recently visited the State to discuss about NISER. He had visited several sites, including Naraj where a single patch of 300 acres is available.

Although the DAE officer was pleased with the Naraj site, he expressed his reservations after being told that the Tata Group is also interested to set up a thermal power plant somewhere near.

The DAE officer was told that if the Naraj site will be finalised for NISER, the State Government may locate another site for the Tata’s proposed power plant.

During discussion with Higher Education Secretary Ashok Tripathy, the DAE joint secretary hinted that plans are afoot to expand the NISER campus to a science city.

Monday, December 04, 2006


4th and 5th IISER in Bhopal and Thiruvananthapuram

Rajya Shaba

Two Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research(IISERs) at Kolkata and Pune have been set up and academic session has commenced from August, 2006. The foundation stone for the third IISER at Mohali, Punjab has been laid on 27th September, 2006. Planning Commission has communicated ‘in principle’ approval for setting up two more IISERs in Thiruvananthapuram and Bhopal. These institutues have been set up on the basis of recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (SAC – PM). There is no other proposal presently under consideration of the Government to set up more IISERs in the country.

This information was given in Parliament in a written reply by Smt. D. Purandeswari , MOS, HRD.


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